Thursday, March 29, 2018

Geo Meter 3.1.0 released

I released Geo Meter and Geo Meter Free version 3.1.0 today.

Here are some highlights of the new features:

1. Path numbering and navigation

You can see the path number on the origin and destination marker as seen in the following example.


You can explore each path one by one, using the path navigation control bar.

path navigation control bar

2. Sharing data files

You can send a Geo Meter data file to your friends, or send the file to the cloud storage. For this, Geo Meter will use email apps or cloud storage apps such as Gmail or Google Drive. If you send a data file to your friends, they will need to install the Geo Meter app to open the file.

You may send the data file to your own email address for archiving purpose. This lets you keep your Geo Meter data files when you uninstall Geo Meter app from your device. You may install the app in a new device and open the data files created with another device.

3. Supporting tilt view

You may tilt the view by positioning two fingers on the map and pushing upwards. Automatic screen fitting will work with the tilted view. Tapping on the compass, located in the upper left corner, will reset the tilt angle to zero, in addition to setting the orientation toward the north.